Trevor jerideau biography of martin

Trevor jerideau biography of martin

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    Sunday, March 20, 2011

    Negotiation with Trevor Jerideau

    Recently I had the opportunity to speak with Trevor Jerideau Vice President of A&R at J Records.

    He oversees the careers of platinum selling artist Mario and Marsha Ambrosius among others. Mr. Jerideau has been in the music business for over a decade and had to negotiate many artist contracts over the course of his career.

    Some see an A&R position as a high-risk job. I can understand those opinions for it is rare to see an A&R maintain his/her position for several years at one label. I asked Trevor what does he require before going into a negotiation.

    Trevor jerideau biography of martin luther

    He mainly insists that an entertainment attorney represents the artist(s) he has shown interest in. By proper representation, the negotiation will run smoothly without awkward conflict. Mr. Jerideau also insists that the artist(s) has the proper management.

    Most inexperienced managers make it hard for A&R’s to work efficiently. Managers may see the A&R as a threat.